Manage Smart Contracts. Simply Secure.

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Implement best practice security for your smart contract administartion within minutes. Add multiple team members to ensure good governance. Reduce the risk of loss and misconduct. Protect your web3 project!

Trusted by

Security tested by

Penetration tested by leading cyber security company recognized by Gartner

Human-friendly smart contract governance

Collaborate with external stakeholders and let your smart contract guardians decide about your on-chain transactions. As easy as DocuSign.

Onboard your web3 project

NFT projects

Protect your project by mitigating security risks, and increase trust and adoption among your users, leading to potential revenue growth.

NFT artist

Secure access to your collections and protect your intellectual property, maintain the value of your assets, and potentially increase revenue through exclusive deals and partnerships.

ERC20 tokens

Reduce similar risks: 400mn USD in FTT token were unlocked after FTX crash, which destroyed additional USD 6bn in value

How it works

Transparent access management

Define which contract interaction has to be signed by your contract guardians. Even work with external developers and stay in control!

Secure deployment and upgrades

One-click deployment and upgrades of your smart contracts. All secured by the Safe technology. Over $35 billion in crypto assets is stored in the Safe-powered accounts.

No single point of failure

A single smart contract owner creates a single point of failure. Projects managed with VERITIC are protected with 3 keys. 2 of 3 keys are required to approve safety-critical smart contract interactions.

Meaningful audit trails

Create comprehensive and human-readable audit trails for your project. Each transaction is easily explained and documented.

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